Repetitious Illusion ♢ A POEM

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

I see things different
To most that I know,
I dress up and smile
My life's go, go, go.

In the moments I'm happy
I believe all is pure,
No diseases can harm us
There's always a cure.

To find joy in having nothing,
To overcome bitter nightmares,
Working harder than the privileged,
Yet never we catch a break.

There's a black-hole in my heart 
That no-one can see,
No-one, no-one... no-one but me.

Life isn't as pure once you stop and you blink,
Teachers harm those who don't really think,
Parents expect you to have life on lock,
But your code is forgotten, lost, tick tock. 

You're young and your pulse beats scared,
Minutes go faster in your head than in reality,
The poem no longer rhymes,
The puzzle pieces in a scrabble on the floor,
Get up, get dressed, get out the front ....


Prism Light, White Hot ♡ 101 FLASH FICTION PROMPTS

Sunday, 20 January 2019

101 Flash Fiction Prompts with Alex Allison and Emily Cordell: Inspired by the ideas from the book 'The Very Short Story Starter: 101 Flash Fiction Prompts for Creative Writing.' by John Gillard.

Prompt #2) Write a stream of consciousness without stopping, for three minutes using the following quote as an initial spark of inspiration. "Let the world burn through you. Throw the prism light, white hot, on paper." - Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing (1990)

When we were children we all believed in magic. My Grandfather was wonderful at it. He could do all the tricks of the trade and to say he had me fooled for many years was an understatement. I still believed in the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas till I was seventeen. Our household was full of wonderful things, the unexpected, the mysterious. People in our town found us strange and many children chose not to play with me at school. They'd been warned by their parents to stay away from my kind. 

Being an oddling isn't what people always think. We don't curse or harm, although I have to say I'm very tempted at times. It's a lifestyle, a happy place, healing and cleansing the soul. I believe we're all free, if we choose to be and those children at school definitely didn't. 

The prism light is our traditional sacred tool. My Grandfather showed me when I was of age and it made everything clear. The rainbow behind it bright and engaging. All children should believe in magic, but I was no longer a child.

Thank you so much for reading,
Be sure to check out Emily Cordell's prompt response HERE.
Alex Allison
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